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Mount of Olives Community Center, Inc.               (MOCC)

Mount of Olives Community Center is a grass roots not-for-profit community-based agency located in Hyde Park, Massachusetts. MOCC was established by Mount of Olives Evangelical Baptist Church to respond to the growing needs of the people who reside not only in the Hyde Park area but to the people who live in the Metro Boston and surrounding communities.  MOCC will provide a range of services that include: Tutoring in Math and Science, after school program, parenting, counseling, ESOL, computer literacy class, summer camp, training and educational programs with an understanding of an appreciation for the unique health, cultural and spiritual needs of its diverse client population. MOCC will work to create better access to mental, social, and prevention services while maintaining a comprehensive relationship between the professional staff and the people served.  As a health and social services organization, the overarching goal of MOCC is to reduce disparities in the areas of education and health and create access to service utilization for the community, advocate for policies that will benefit the community.

                                                                                             OUR MISSION



To improve the quality of life of the individuals. To actively provide services that contribute to the betterment and vitality of the community.  To provide high quality, compassionate and comprehensive services by providing opportunities for everyone to build strong kids, strong families and strong communities.  To empower children and families to achieve lifelong success. To enhance the quality of life of children and young adults. To help individuals create a nurturing, stable, and culturally diverse family environment which encourages youth with emotional and behavioral disturbance to become effective and contributing adults.   To connect people and enriching lives. To help individuals thrive and to build, strengthen and sustain family and community life. To serve those who are in need. To help individuals and families to reach their full potential as we call for justice in the community. 

                                                                                              OUR VISION



We strive to meet the needs of the people living in Metro Boston and surrounding communities by providing high-quality, comprehensive services to everyone. 

 To strive for a comprehensive relationship with community members, empower the community members to be the change agent to address the health, emotional and social needs of individuals

To create an environment in which young men and women in the community can be mentored for their dream to become a reality

To always strive to place our clients in the center of our services, and to create an environment where trust and caring are our daily driving forces.  

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